Pada tugas saya kali ini, saya akan sedikit menceritakan hobi saya. Sebenarnya, saya memiliki banyak hobi, diantaranya yaitu menggambar, bermain game, membaca fabel bahasa inggris, dll. Namun, pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan mencoba membuat suatu cerita fabel dalam bahasa inggris dan mempostingnya. Silakan dinikmati :)
upon a time, in the deep forest, there lived a rabbit family. There was
a little doe, an older doe, and their mother. After their father died,
the mother must found a daily meal for her daughters. She left their
house in the morning and just came back home when the sun has set.
the mother worked, the older doe take good care of the house. In the
beginning, she could take care of all housekeeping things with no one
helped her, but after a week she did that job she couldn’t handle it
anymore. She needs somebody to help her.
“Dear my little sister, would you like to help me washed the dishes?” said the older doe.
“Sorry, I can’t,” answered the little doe simply.
After the little doe answered, she just left her sister with the housekeeping things. The older doe tried to understood, “maybe that’s because she still very young and not ready to help her clean the house”.
“Dear my little sister, would you like to help me washed the dishes?” said the older doe.
“Sorry, I can’t,” answered the little doe simply.
After the little doe answered, she just left her sister with the housekeeping things. The older doe tried to understood, “maybe that’s because she still very young and not ready to help her clean the house”.
did the housekeeping job for several years. Until she thought that the
little doe had old enough and she asked her to help her again. “Dear my
little sister, would you like to help me washed the dishes?” asked the
older doe. “Sorry, I can’t,” answered the little doe to her sister. The
answer made her really sad and disappoint. She did all of the
housekeeping jobs for her sister and her mother, but the little doe
didn’t want to help her at all.
Dari cerita di atas, dapat diambil pelajaran bahwa sesama manusia, terutama keluarga, sebaiknya kita saling tolong menolong. Jika memang sanggup untuk mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan seorang diri, maka lakukanlah. Jika tidak tahu bagaimana caranya, maka bertanya dan belajarlah. Hidup akan lebih damai jika kita saling menghargai dan mengasihi :)
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