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            Once upon a time, there was a peaceful fairy land. The habitant was very happy everyday because The Happiness Crystal. With that crystal in fairy tower, there wasn’t any sadness in fairy land. The Happiness Crystal was very famous not only in fairy land, but also in human world. There were human who tried to steal that Crystal every year. But that’s always failure. Why? Because there were Two Little Fairies who protect The Happiness Crystal all day. They have a secret weapon to against the bad person.
One day, two fairies should left the fairy land for their job. After the Two Fairies left, bald villain came to the fairy land. He has a sinister face and he was insane and very ambitious. He wanted to heist The Happiness Crystal to be sold in human world because this business was very lucrative for him.
            When the guardian fairy were busy watching the fairy dance recital, the bald villain crawled to the Crystal located. He succeed to steal that Crystal and darted to hid in a vacant fairy’s house. He tucked it on the wall cavity.
            The day after, everyone knew that The Happiness Crystal was stole. Without The Happiness Crystal, the fairies were so lame and fragile. The sadness began attack the fairies. We could hear the fairies cry, the baby’s fairy whine, and many more.
            The Two Fairies heard about the accident and came back as fast as a tiger who tried to catch a goat. In the way to the fairy land, they arranged some strategy to catch the thief. There was a fairy who saw a suspect person near fairy tower that night. And it seems like the bald villain. So, the guardian informed it to Luci and Susan (name of The Two Fairies). But, when they arrived, they couldn’t find the bald villain.
They tried hard to find the bald villain, and finally found him. When they found the bald villain, he lifted his poked to Susan. But, before he could poke Susan, Luci cast a spell to call her weapon, Shrink Ray. No need a single second, the weapon already in her hand. She used the weapon to him. Finally, she afforded to capture and sent the bald villain to the police.
            Eventually, The Happiness Crystal was returned to the fairy tower. So, the sadness was gone. In the next day, Luci and Susan were getting an award from the fairy queen as a gift for their hard work. Then, they became famous for their achievement of captured the bald villain.

-          THE END  -
